Monday, October 21, 2019


Tips to Prevent Dengue in Pakistan

There is no specific treatment for dengue so follow the following tips to stay safe
  • Wear full sleeves shirt
  • Apply mosquito repellent in the house and outside
  • Spray your house and offices at least 3 times a week to keep mosquitoes away
  • Cover everything that contains drinking water
  • Clean all the utensils and floors properly and dry them
  • Do not let water stand nearby otherwise cover it with sheet or sand

Dengue Treatment in Pakistan

It is recommended to have Paracetamol BUT avoid Aspirin as it may increase bleeding. Consume plenty of fluids and have much rest. Symptoms will show up in 4 days and it may last for another 10 days. Any negligence may result in death. Consume as much fluids like soup, water and juices as you can and rest well. Keep an eye on health condition and keep track of your blood tests. Some homemade remedies are considered important in boosting up your blood cells and immune system and they are as follows:
  • Barley Grass has a unique ability to increase blood cells in body, it can be either taken straight and also you can prepare tea and drink it.
  • Goldenseal can help ease vomiting, headaches, fever and chill. It can also eliminate dengue fever in matter of days.
  • Neem Leaves, if properly brewed, can boost immune system and help in regaining strength faster.
  • Papaya Leaves have high level of Vitamin C and is also known as one of the best ingredient to fight dengue fever.
  • Orange Juice is rich in Vitamins and antioxidants that makes it ideal in treating dengue fever.
  • Basil Leaves, chewing them are well known for boosting immune system and has been recommended for dengue fever